Disability Benefits: An Overview

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Workplace accidents are regrettably quite common in the United States. In 2020, authorities recorded 4,764 work-related injuries that resulted in death. Although not all incidents are fatal, some result in injuries and disabilities. For instance, a forklift may run over an employee and break their limbs. If something similar happens, you may suffer the disabilities outlined below and be eligible for benefits.

1.       Total and permanent disability

Total and permanent disability refers to situations where injuries permanently deter a person's ability to work. For instance, a worker may be involved in an accident involving cutting implements and lose their limbs. Such an incident can prevent them from working in the same capacity as before. Therefore, if you suffer any form of workplace injury that makes you unable to work in a specific profession for the rest of your life, your case falls under total and permanent disability.

2.       Permanent partial disability

A workplace accident may injure you and leave you in a capacity where you can perform but not with the competence or efficiency you demonstrated before. This is called permanent partial disability (PPD). Consider losing your dominant hand as an example. Although you may train to use the other limb, chances are high that your performance will be less than average. And when that happens, your earning capability will likely be lower than average. That is why permanent partial disabilities deserve due compensation and benefits.

3.       Temporary partial disability

Temporary partial disability (TPD) caters to injured workers that are back to work, but their earnings are lesser than their pre-injury income. Typically, if you fall in this category, your insurer will pay two-thirds of the difference between what your employer paid before the injury and your current wages.  However, TPD is only payable to individuals that are actively employed.

4.       Temporary total disability

Unlike TPD, temporary total disability (TTD) benefits are for workers injured on the job but can't work while they recover. TTD payments eventually end when a practitioner decides the victim has improved enough to rejoin the workforce. But, if health care experts decide the affected individual can't return to their original position, they qualify for relevant benefits, such as permanent partial disability. An example of an incident that allows for TTD is if you are a blue-collar worker engaging in manual labor, but you hurt your back and can't work for several months while recuperating. 

The Bottom Line

Injuries in the workplace can negatively impact your life and your ability to provide. Therefore, seeking compensation to help you meet your needs is paramount. If you think you deserve total and permanent disability, permanent partial disability, temporary partial disability, or temporary total disability, hire a workers' compensation lawyer. They will ensure that you get due compensation and help you navigate all of the necessary proceedings, including filing a claim.
