Three Injuries That Baseball Pitchers Frequently Get And How To Repair Them

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As a baseball pitcher, you already know that there are a number of injuries you can suffer as a pitcher. These injuries do not take into account the other injuries you can get from America's iconic sport. The following injuries are the most severe of all. If these happen to you, you need emergency medical care if you ever hope to continue your career in baseball.

Meniscus Tear 

Your menisci are a couple of stretchy bands of tissue that run around the sides of both of your knees and insert in and under the kneecap. If you have a strange way of pivoting on your forward pitching foot, there is a very good chance you will tear one or more of these bands of tissue. If you hurry, your doctor can sew these bands of tissue back together and back in place. The recovery time is weeks, not days, but you could get better in time for the playoffs or for next season, depending on when the tear(s) occurred.

Rotator Cuff Tear

These are the stretchy bands of tissue that hold your upper arm in the socket of your shoulder. Dozens of pitchers in baseball have suffered this injury at least once in their professional careers. If you have seen at least one pitcher that has torn his rotator cuff, and then see him return to play, you know how long it takes to heal. This is another injury that will sideline you for several weeks, and then you can begin to play at bat, but still not pitch. You will need a lot of rehabilitation until your pitching arm is strong enough to begin playing baseball again.

Herniated Disc

Discs are spongy tissues that exist between each vertebra in your back. When you have the throwing arm of a Roman god, you tend to put a lot of that "ole hot pepper" on the ball when you throw. Repeatedly throwing this hard can cause discs in your back to herniate, or squeeze out of place between the bones in your back.

When that happens, parts of the discs are compressed between the bone above and the bone below, and press on nerves. All of a sudden it hurts to even pick up a baseball and try to grasp it. Surgery is avoided unless the problem is quite serious. Instead, chiropractic care is recommended as a major component of treatment.
